A sympathy gift when a pet dies. pet loss gift

It’s been 16 years since I’ve been on a pet loss consultation.

As a pet memorial goods maker, I will give advice on condolence gifts.


When a family member or friend is grieving the loss of a pet, you may be looking for ways to cheer them up or search a gift.

But what kind of gift can you give to someone who has lost a pet?

And what should we be careful about when giving gifts to people who have lost their pets?

We should be careful about the timing and price of gifts.

Today, let’s think about a gift for someone who lost a pet.

A sympathy gift when a pet dies




People cheered up by gifts

“I want to give you a gift of condolence.”

You probably want people who have lost a pet to get well.
You may also want to help them.

First of all, I would like to introduce the people who actually received the gift and became energized.

pet loss gift

This is a blanket given to customer’s sister who is suffering from pet loss.

I designed her deceased dog and made a blanket.

We also introduce our customers.
please check out memorial gifts to cheer people up.

Changes in feelings due to gifts

Why are pet loss people healed when they receive a gift?

Some people who suffer from pet loss are worried that the people around them do not understand their feelings.

Having someone to support you during this time will be very reassuring.

if you give some gifts they realize that they are not alone.

And they will be happy to have someone to share their grief with.


Here are some articles you should read. This is an example of a person receiving custom-made goods as a gift and noticing the existence of a person who is sad with them together.

The gift was an order-made item for a pet.
It contained the feelings of the person who gave it. Because the feeling reaches, the person who received it can get well.


Memorial gifts go beyond words and seem to connect the deceased pet with its owner.

A memorial gift

A memorial gift is more effective than giving 100 words

Precautions when giving gifts to people with pet loss

Consider the feelings of the recipient when giving a gift

cat's sympathy gift

This is a work of a customer who ordered it.
This cushion was ordered as a gift for a friend who lost her cat.
It seems that one of the three cats died.
It was used as a gift to relieve loneliness.

When giving a gift in memory of parting with a pet, the recommended product will change depending on the situation of the recipient.

In many cases, I think it will be pleased with tears.
However, if they are suffering from a severe pet loss or are mentally unstable, the gift may make their grief worse.

One day, when a customer came to our shop, she said she wanted to make this cushion. However, she said that she could not make memorial goods because her husband would definitely cry.

We have also experienced the loss of a beloved dog and understand the feelings of those who have lost a pet. At first, I had mixed feelings about receiving an order as a gift for pet loss.

I was worried that it might remind them of sadness, or that it would be rude if they haven’t sorted out their feelings yet. However, it seems that customers are very pleased.
In some cases, the recipient would contact us directly to say thanks.

The customer I introduced earlier also created a cushion at a later date, and it seems that her husband was very pleased.

Family members and very close friends who are feeling the same pain are probably the ones who understand the feelings of the other person and give memorial goods.
We will do our best to make it so that your wishes for them to get well will reach them.

Reference article: Gifts that make the other person feel better

Timing to present memorial goods

I think it is very difficult to give memorial goods to people who have lost their pets. It depends on how sad he/she is and how well he/she is. Please consider carefully while looking at the opponent’s situation.

In the case of our store, people who give gifts immediately after their pets have passed away are told that they want them to be delivered as soon as possible.

Or there are cases where it is given as a gift for the other person’s birthday, Christmas, etc.

For details, please refer to the timing of presenting memorial goods.


There are people who behave brightly and cheerfully even when they are lonely. At times like that, it’s good to be able to make a gift along the feeling.

condolence gift prices

The custom-made goods I make are knit products, so they are not cheap.

For that reason, the recipient seems to be a partner with a close relationship, such as a lover, family member, or best friend.

I’m sure it’s more of a feeling that they want to help partner regardless of the price.

However, if the other party changes, it may feel needy.

If you give it to someone you don’t usually get along with, they may think like this: “I received such an expensive item…”

I don’t want you to feel this way.

You may want to help, but you might be also think about your relationship with the other person.

Memorial goods used as gifts for pet loss

Now, let me introduce what kind of products are popular in our store.


pet loss gift cushion

Cushions are the most commonly used as condolence gifts.

They can hug. and many people seem to display cushions where their pets used to sleep.

cotton throw

cotton throw pet mementos goods

A throw with a pet design.

Other recommended gifts

I will introduce what kind of things there are other than what we are making at our store.

photo album, photo book

photo album, photo book, pet loss gift

If you are a family with pets, you probably have a lot of photos of your pets. Why don’t you print the photos and make an album? If it is possible, please add a comment or prepare a column for the owner to write a comment.

Related article: Print pet photos, create albums, and write comments

It is also recommended to make a photo book.

photo book for pet condolence gift

This is the photobook we made.

Unlike an album where printed photos are pasted, this book is properly bound, giving it a more luxurious feel.

You can also put letters and short sentences, so you can write down your memories and your feelings at that time! Especially in the case of pets that you have in your family, you can make them even more memorable by including birthdays and other anniversaries, or photos of the day they first came home.

stuffed toy

stuffed toy pet sympathy gift

This toy poodle looks very realistic, but it’s actually a stuffed animal.

The texture of the body and arms, even the fur is realistic.

There are also custom-made stuffed animals with photos, but they are expensive. This toy poodle is ready-made and I bought it for around 6,000 yen, so I think it would be a good gift for a friend☆

remade relics

How about processing the relics into something or making them portable? You can make a lanyard out of pet hair, or you can put ashes in a capsule and make a pendant. And it seems that there are also people who make key chains by themselves processing collars and clothes that pet used.

Processing pet collars into straps

This is the collar for our cat. I’m thinking of making a strap out of this collar when my cat dies.

Related article: Ideas for keeping pet keepsakes

Introducing an example that is used as a pet sympathy gift

We will introduce you to the situations in which our customers give memorial gifts.

Customers who order every time a pet dies

There are several customers who have ordered many times, so I asked them about the purpose of use.

Then customer told me that it was a gift for a friend who lost a pet.

The customer was working to recruit foster parents for a protective dog. It seems that the relationship with the person who became a foster parent continues. They often hand over adult dogs that have few adopters, and it seems that the lifespan of protected dogs is sometimes short, so there are many occasions when they meet their beloved dogs farewell.

It is also well received by the recipient, and we may receive additional orders from them.

When a friend you met through a pet becomes a pet loss

It seems that friends who have met through pets sometimes give presents each other.

Some people give it on their birthday, and others give it as a memorial item when their pet pass away.

If they use it as a gift when their pet passed away, it seems that they are in a very close relationship with each other. They listen to their troubles, are family members and lovers, and seem to have a good understanding of each other’s feelings.

Since this is a time when our hearts are becoming more sensitive, it seems that they are taking good care of us as to whether it is okay to give gifts, and when the best time to do so is.

A gift to give when a friend who shares the same problem loses a pet

The customer told us about the gift.

We had an order from a customer.
He wants to give a present to his friend.
It seems that both the customer and the person to whom the gift is given have cats.

They don’t have children each other, and it seems that the cat is like their own child. It seems that the customer himself and his friend were in a similar situation because their parents’ nursing care and their own illness overlapped.
He told me that he enjoys talking about each other’s cats. It seems that they were friends who gave each other cat goods on their birthdays.
But his friend’s cat died.
He wanted to do something, so he found our shop while searching the internet and called us immediately.

Few years have passed since then, he sometimes orders cushions and throws on the anniversary of cat’s passing.

Christmas gifts for pet deceased

I would like to introduce a case that was used as a gift for a friend who lost her dog.

It seems that she decided to plan a Christmas party with several friends and gather at her house.

At that time, she ordered an original cushion for her friend who lost dog as a surprise gift from everyone.

A gift when a family member or lover living far away loses their pet

Having someone by your side or listening to your story will cheer you up, but if you live far away, you may not be able to meet immediately.

Thanks to e-mail and SNS, it has become easier for us to contact each other frequently.
However, customers who live far away and can’t meet easily say that they wanted to give them some kind of gift.

pet loss gift

customer feedback

We are more likely to receive thank you emails after delivery from those who ordered as a memorial gift for their family.
I would like to introduce the contents that they posted in the review.

Jul 23, 2015 10:53 AM
I appreciate your kindness at this time.
It was a birthday present for my younger sister, who was depressed after her dog died.
The moment I opened the blanket box to check, I was already in tears.
I think the knit made me feel very warm.
And my younger sister, looking at the footprints on the ribbon made of knitwear, said, “Maybe it’s Fairy (my dog)?”
She was very happy and said, “I will cherish it.”
I am happy that I was able to make a wonderful present.
I’m really thankful to you.
I would appreciate your favor if there is another opportunity.

present for sister who lost pet

Thank you for the wonderful cushion.
I gave it to my daughter as a birthday present.
After the death of my family member, Luc, whom I spent 16 and a half years with, I immediately requested a cushion. The sadness hasn’t healed yet, is it too soon? I also thought about it, but I wanted to increase Luc as the house that was designed to care for old dogs was changing to human specifications day by day.
When my daughter saw the cushion, she cried, “It’s Luc!” I cried too.
My daughter is holding a cushion to hold Luc.
Thank you very much for the wonderful present.

Luc for birthday present

November 30, 2019

My beloved dog of 17 years has gone to heaven. My whole family had lost a pet, but my mother was particularly shocked.

The moment I opened the box, I was really surprised, and it felt like my dog ​​had come home.

I couldn’t wait until Christmas, so I told my parents it was a Christmas present and gave it to them.

When I gave it to my parents, the whole family cried, and the gentle feeling of the cushion and the softness when I hugged it somehow resembled Ponta.

It has become a lifelong treasure for the whole family.

I would like to cherish it and live together.

I’m really thankful to you! !

Why giving a memorial gift makes them feel better

I’ve learned something while making a product for a customer.
It means that when someone understands the other’s sad feelings, their sad feeling recover faster.

People who receive memorial gifts feel that they understand my sorrow.

“I’m not alone, someone care me properly”
They can get their energy back by feeling that way.

After delivery, it seems that they are so pleased that they shed tears. I’ve heard that tears purify the mind, and I hope it helps you feel a little better.

pet loss gift

gift of words

Gifts aren’t the only things you can do for someone who has lost a pet.

It is also important to use kind words.
Sometimes it makes them feel better.

For ideas on what to say to someone who is crying, or what gifts to cheer them up, check out our page on words to say to someone who has lost a pet.

A memorial gift is also to provide a place to cry

You may just be by their side.

Or maybe just listen their feeling.

why don’t you look at pictures of memories, talk about playing together, favorite toys, and favorite clothes.

We are in the business of making memorial goods.

I came to think that the role of memorial goods might be to create a place where the owner can cry.


Please make the time to cry.

They may feel sad at first. I realized that the time to be sad is important.

And as time goes by, they will be able to get their smile back little by little.

I think it’s not that sad feelings are gone, but that it’s time to be ready to live with sadness.

Memorial goods may help fill the hole in your heart.

After crying a lot, let’s smile a lot.

I think the pets in heaven will be happy that way.

Articles read together




Present for those who lost their pets

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