How to tidy up your pet’s memento, how to chiose what to leave and what to dispose of

Introducing the situation of pet loss in Japan.

Today, let’s think about How to tidy up pet’s memento.

(I’m not good at English. This article is written using google translation)


How do you tidy up your pet’s mementos?

There are many things that cannot be thrown away, such as clothes and toys.

On the other hand, some people are too sad to see it.

I am also consulted by customers, but each person’s thoughts are different, so in the end, you will have to decide for yourself.

However, when we listen the experience of someone, we may be find good ideas and calm down.

Having someone listen to you will calm you down a bit and you will be able to make your own decisions.

We will introduce how our customers are doing, so please refer to it.

our Customers

Let’s start with a customer example.

It seems that he loved the soccer ball toy.


We designed the cushion according to the customer’s request.


Click here for cushion details

Ponta’s example

(Introducing customer reviews)
When my dog ​​died and the whole family was depressed, I learned about this product and asked for a cushion.
Although it was not specified as an express delivery, it was produced and shipped in exactly one week, and we received a prompt response.
I thought it would be difficult to leave the shape immediately after the death, so I put away the photos and the collar and other equipment out of sight, but perhaps this timing was right, and the reaction to this cushion was that I could stay with you again. I’m so happy, everyone was overjoyed.
I would like to take turns hugging and using it carefully. Thank you very much.
Ordered product: Knitted cushion
My dog ​​has crossed the rainbow bridge. It was hard not to be in the place where I was always, and my family felt very lonely. When I was considering purchasing a similar toy poodle stuffed animal and searching for memorial goods, I learned about “Fandel One” and ordered it. Even when creating the design, they were polite and sympathetic. My family is very happy to see the cushion that arrived. Now I put it on the sofa I always had and my family is healed. I’m really thankful to you.
Ordered product: Knitted cushion

Is it better to dispose pet mementos or not?

Even family members have different opinions

Whether to leave a memento or dispose of it, the idea is different even in the family.

I will tell you my experience first.

In 2007, our beloved dog Mook passed away.


Here is our pet dog.

Everyone in the family was sad when he passed away, but opinions were divided even within the family on how to sort out his mementos afterward.

I wanted to keep it as much as possible, but my father thought of getting rid of it all.

The reason is that if something remains, the grief will last forever and will only get worse.

It was very painful, but I got rid of everything except the photo, such as the collar, leash, and bandana.

Even members of the same family may have different opinions.

And the things that have been disposed of cannot be recovered.

Let’s talk properly before disposing and clean up after convincing yourself.

I can’t make a calm judgment until I’m convinced, so I think it’s better to leave it untouched

I regret that I wanted to leave the bandana and collar and remake it into something else.

For remakes , see Ideas for keeping keepsakes .

If you are not sure whether to dispose of it, leave it.

The consultation email from the customer has the following contents.

・I’m wondering if I should organize my belongings.

・I’m thinking of disposing of it someday, but I want to keep it a little closer.

In this way, if you are still lost, why not keep it at hand for a while? By the time you regret that you should have left it for later, it is already too late.

Someday, if the time comes when you feel that it’s about time to dispose of it, I think it’s good to dispose of it at that time.

Sometimes it was good to dispose of

I’m glad I got rid of all my dog’s belongings.

Thinking about it now, it might be true that I was able to switch by mind because of throwing away memorabilia.

And there is nothing about dog’s item, so I may be cherishing my memory.

I still feel like I’m with him in my heart, so I don’t feel lonely.

If I had a lot of memories left behind, I might have cried forever every time I saw them.

How to dispose of pet belongings

burn together in the crematorium

I think it would be nice if you could burn toys and other things together with your pet at the crematorium and take them to heaven.

It might be a good idea to bring pet’s favorite clothes, toys, or letters.

However, some items such as metals and plastics cannot be burned, so please inquire at the time of cremation.

(Cremation is common in Japan)

hand over to someone else

There may be someone who will use the unused seats and cages that have hardly been used. Some animal shelters are soliciting donations of unused cat litter and food.

If you donate something that can be used, some pets may be happy.

memorial service, burning, etc.

Those who don’t want to dispose of it (throw it away) can have it held at a temple or burned at a shrine.

If you find it difficult to dispose of the item with your own hands, or if you feel that the child’s soul resides in it, please consider this.

(Japanese way of thinking)

Collect pet memorabilia and store them in another room

There are other ways to organize pet’s belongings like this.

It’s painful to see pet mementos, but you can’t even throw them away.

In such a case, I think it’s one idea to put it away in a separate room.

You don’t usually see it.


One customer said this to me.

“My husband gets angry when I keep my dog’s mementos like this. Rather than getting angry, he cries. He don’t want to remember it anymore, so he told me to put it away… Because he was the one who loves the dog most.”

It seems that the woman wants to display dog’s belongings such as clothes and toys, but she has no choice to put them away because her husband is against it.

She may look at them on dog’s birthday.

Which one recovers faster?

Which is better, to throw away the mementos or to keep them?

Some people say that if there is a memento left behind, they will drag it on forever.

Some people say that they will not be lonely in the future because they have memories left behind.

Some people can switch quickly by disposing of it, and some people regret disposing of it.


Everyone has a different way of thinking and feeling, so it is better to take the method that suits you best.

If you feel like you might regret throwing it away, why not keep it for now and tidy it up somewhere out of sight? If you can stay healthy as it is, it will come time to dispose of it. Years later, when you look at it again, you may feel glad you kept it.

I think that once you get away from the memento, you will be able to calm down and think.

In any case, overcoming the loneliness of a breakup is not easy.

It takes time, so I think it’s better to not hurry and take long time.

cuddle cushion

Cushions made from memorable photos

at the end

If you want to keep it, you can also put it away and get rid of large items such as gauges and toys that you haven’t played with much.

Some things have memories and emotions, so it’s a good idea to take your time sorting them out.

The number of days it takes to recover from a pet breakup varies from person to person.

Some people laugh in the social situations but can’t hide their tears when they get home.

Therefore, people have different ideas about how to organize their belongings.


At times like this, if you have someone with whom you can share your grief, it will be easier for them to support you emotionally.

Family, friends, lovers, do you have someone who supports you?

I would appreciate it if everyone’s heart could get a little better.


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